Apt branding?

Today's entry is about something I spotted while talking to my counsellor last Tuesday: aptly branded objects.
I see a counsellor weekly and it is held in a GP's surgery. Last week I spotted a box of tissues on the desk by my side. I don't really find eye contact easy during counselling, so I tend to spot things around me. Previously, the box of tissues were the standard NHS yellow box, but not last week... The box was branded Viagra! Maybe I am rather dirty-minded, but I found this quite amusing!!!
This led me to think: how could other drug brands be used aptly, using some irony and lateral thinking?
Using the medications I have taken recently:
* zopiclone coffee mugs
* microgynon disposable nappies
* loratadine cat collars
Any other suggestions gratefully received.
(I tried to google a picture of the viagra-branded tissue box, but it seemed to think I meant "erectile tissue"...)
I am still very happy professionally and not too bad personally. I don't know how much I want to talk about me here, but I can proudly say that I am over 22 months sober and it has been over 13 months since I last self harmed. I have also lightened the load I was carrying around physically, having now lost 20 kilos (3.5 stone) since I left the TC.